Inefficient Practices

I am a diving coach. I have been coaching divers for over 20 years. I started coaching to help kids.

There is one thing I can’t stand. Inefficient practices. I started out coaching the way I learned from diving when I was practicing. You do a lot of dives and they get better… eventually. It was mostly trial and error. I knew there had to be a better way. as I worked with my divers I began to see patterns in how they progressed. They would respond well to structure and organization. As the divers saw the structure, they began to trust me more and respond to my instruction.

So I started to make sure they were doing the same skills in a nice sequence and have a familiar pattern. Soon they could move through the practice quickly and have fun because they were getting better every time. It took me years to set it up but now I have a set sequence for every practice. My practices are set up with a nice pattern and It gives me the chance to make sure I am making every practice efficient.

But there is still one more piece that I am missing- A written workout every day that they can see every day and follow their progress. That is a feature that team dominance software will have. I can’t wait to have an easy solution to create practices and share them easily!